Online URL Encoder / Decoder

URL Encoder / Decoder


URL Encoder / Decoder

A URL encoder/decoder is a tool that allows users to encode or decode a URL (Uniform Resource Locator). A URL is a string of characters that identifies the location of a resource on the internet, such as a website or file.

URL encoding is the process of converting a string of characters into a format that is safe to use in a URL. This is necessary because URLs can only contain a limited set of characters, and some characters (such as spaces, ampersands, and special characters) have special meaning within a URL and must be encoded in order to be properly interpreted by a web browser or server.

A URL decoder, on the other hand, is used to convert an encoded URL back into its original form. This can be useful for a variety of purposes, such as debugging a URL, testing the handling of special characters in a URL, or simply understanding how a URL has been encoded.

URL encoder/decoder tools are commonly used by web developers and SEO professionals to encode or decode URLs for a variety of purposes. They may be available as online tools that can be accessed through a web browser, or as software programs that can be downloaded and installed on a computer.